“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” – John Wesley
Our mission is to develop inclusive communities where people discover sacred worth and calling.
Our core values are:

Our Purpose

We see people as people – God loves everyone just as they are, and our church seeks out and welcomes people of all different backgrounds. We refuse to see sexual orientation, gender, politics, ethnicity, economics, race, and age, as barriers, but instead we gain strength and thrive through everyone’s unique differences.
We worship God creatively – Our worship is simple and creative, and it invites all people to see the calling God has placed upon their lives. We express our relationship with God through music, art, testimonies, spoken word, poetry, dancing, and many other creative expressions that allow us to live a life of faith.

We partner with our community – Our church is an extension of our diverse neighborhood, and we actively partner with neighbors, businesses and organizations in our community. A thriving diverse community requires open arms, building bridges and bringing people together in good times and bad.
We put Gods love into action through Justice – Doing the work of love and justice involves continuously connecting adults and youth of all ages. We actively facilitate and participate in small group and community activities focused on prayer, stewardship and serving the community – all of which bring love and justice to our neighborhood, city and world.
Reconciling Ministries Network
Hope Collective Church is proud to be an active member of the Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN)